What is 10DLC?
10DLC stands for a 10-digit long code number. It‘s the primary phone number we all have for personal or professional phones. The 10DLC includes the 3-digit area code and then the 7-digit phone number we are all familiar with. Chances are, you are already using a 10DLC in your business text messaging unless you are using a toll-free number, even if you use a landline.

Keep reading to learn more about 10DLCs.
What is a Short Code?
A shortcode comes in three different forms: it is a telephone number that is either four, five, or six digits, and it is usually used for basic, two-way messaging. Shortcodes are expensive and typically used for automation. All the SMS messages through shortcodes are based on keywords, and most of the shortcode numbers are shared to cut back on costs.

This can cause many issues and bad experiences within businesses, so most service providers are phasing out their shortcodes and switching to 10DLCs. But to understand the new 10DLC regulations, we must first understand what A2P is.
What is A2P?
A2P stands for “application-to-person” texting, which is any kind of traffic in which a person is receiving messages from an application. A2P messaging began solely as automated messages, but now it‘s becoming closer to person-to-person conversations as more customers respond to business text messages with questions or comments using 10DLC.

Cases like this can be hard to document which leads us to why there is a need for new regulations and why U.S. carriers, such as Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T, are stepping up to prevent scammers from taking advantage of 10-digit phone numbers.
What are the New 10DLC Regulations?
According to these new regulations, you will need to go through a registration process with The Campaign Registry. This central hub is used to register A2P 10DLC messaging campaigns. You will need to provide information such as your company‘s name, tax ID number, and website. You will also need to provide information for each campaign you plan to text for.

If you fail to register your brand and campaigns, your messages will begin to be blocked, resulting in missed communications between you and your customers.

This registration will give your campaigns a much higher messaging throughput, meaning that more of your messages will be delivered in a shorter time. This higher throughput means that you will not only be able to increase your deliverability but will also decrease the risk of spammers just by registering your 10DLC.
How to Register with The Campaign Registry
Easy! Log in to your slyText account, and you will see a form that takes you to the beginning of the campaign registration process. You will need to document the company‘s legal name, country of registration, tax number, website and a few other fields. Additionally, you will need to provide information about what type of organization you run, descriptions of campaigns, and sample messages for each campaign. It‘s important to note that some customers have already been registered with The Campaign Registry and may not see a notification within their account upon logging in.

It sounds like a lot of work, but it is not! Besides, the small amount of work you will put into your registration will be more than worth the benefits you will gain from registering. The Campaign Registry will verify for your business to help ensure that your carrier will not filter your messages.

However, you have to do your part by ensuring that your texts are not being marked as spam.
How to Prevent Your Messages Being Marked as Spam
There are several basic guidelines for ensuring your messages are not being marked as spam. When your message is marked as spam, it is filtered out and will not be sent to your customer. This can be detrimental to your business, so you should know how to avoid sending a text that may be considered spam. It's important to note these are just guidelines and messages still could be marked as spam.

Ensure that you never end your message with a link and that that link does not include a shortened URL service like, etc. Capitalizing your entire message is also a red flag for mobile carriers, and those will usually be marked as spam. Too many special characters will give you the same result.
How is slyText Complying With New Regulations?
Starting March 1st, 2022, wireless carriers began imposing delivery restrictions on messages originating from unregistered phone numbers. The only way to prevent the messages from being blocked is to register with The Campaign Registry which can be done within your slyText account. SlyText can help you with this registration process, so you can get right back to making amazing text campaigns for your client!

We can also provide you with a link to The Campaign Registry, in case you prefer to read up on more information. In addition, you can always checkout slyText‘s help center. Whether you are using our handy-dandy Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) section or our excellent support team via email, you are sure to get top-notch support that is truly hard to come by. If all else fails, you can call us, and we will do our best to get you registered as quickly as possible.

We know this registration process can seem daunting and confusing to some, and we are here to help. We want your campaigns to be a success, and we want your business to thrive.
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